Security from Trespass
The Security from Trespass and Protecting Food Safety Act (the Act) and Regulation 701/20 was passed on December 5, 2020. The Act protects Ontario farm animals, farms, farmers and their families, agri-food employees, and the safety of the entire food supply by addressing the ongoing threat of unwanted trespassing and from unauthorized interactions with farm animals.
The Act strikes an important balance, respecting the right to peaceful public protest, while giving the justice system the tools it needs to help protect farmers, agri-food workers and businesses, and the food supply from trespassing and harassment.
Learn more about the Act in this fact sheet.
More information for farmers can be found at
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) has developed a FactSheet on the Act. Find it here.
Animal Protection Zones
Learn more about Animal Protection Zones in this FAQ, and use the decision tree below to determine where a sign is needed.

Specific requirements must be met if a sign is required, including size and colour. This is an example of a sign. For more information on how to obtain a sign, contact the VFO office.
Still unsure if you need a sign? Check out this article from Farm & Food Care Ontario to learn more!