Explore the links below to find recordings of the live talks from the 2021 Ask the Expert Virtual Speaker Series, and bonus access to a special pre-recorded talk from the 2020 Healthy Calf Conference.
Dr. Dave Renaud, ACER Consulting Ltd.
This talk reviews some of the key morbidity and mortality metrics producers can use to benchmark calf health. We also review strategies for evaluating whether the abnormal has become normal and opportunities for improved record-keeping, and strategies for improving health outcomes on-farm.
Dr. Dave Renaud, ACER Consulting Ltd.
This talk reviews some of the primary factors that producers should be looking at prior to purchasing calves for their operation. We also discuss the impact of some of these key conditions in terms of health and growth once at your operation.
Dr. Michael Steele, University of Guelph
One of the most critical management factors in calf survival and health is feeding a sufficient quantity of high-quality colostrum and milk to improve passive transfer and growth. However, further benefits to gastrointestinal function and health are now being recognized and are reviewed in this talk. In addition, some of the newest strategies for transitioning calves from milk to solid feed in the first months of life are also discussed.
Dr. Steven Roche, ACER Consulting Ltd.
This talk reviews some of the major factors influencing on-farm change and what you can do about it. We also discuss some best practices for improving on-farm communication with staff and advisors and explores how to influence change to improve calf health and welfare.
Dr. Steven Roche and Dr. Dave Renaud, ACER Consulting Ltd.
This talk reviews a number of ideas on how to integrate calf health into herd health. It also explores how to engage your team and your veterinarian on a routine basis, how to develop and use protocols effectively, and opportunities for continuous calf health improvement.
Kendra Keels, Veal Farmers of Ontario
Is this calf fit to ship? What practices can be implemented on-farm in the first nine days to ensure the health and marketability of male dairy calves? In her talk from the 2020 Healthy Calf Conference, Kendra Keels from VFO highlights some of the key aspects of improving the value of male dairy calves, maximizing returns.
Subscribe to the Calf Care Corner and OntarioVeal channels on YouTube for more great videos on calf care and veal cattle management.