The Veal Market Report app is now available to download from iTunes. Click here for a step-by-step guide on how to download the app to your iPhone.
How to read the weekly veal market report
Each Friday, Veal Farmers of Ontario (VFO) compiles market report information from multiple sources to communicate finished veal and male dairy calf prices.
The weekly market report can be a valuable tool for veal and dairy producers to understand current market trends.
Ontario Direct to Packer

These price ranges are compiled weekly after collecting direct to packer pricing from multiple sources. The “Range” listed is the price range for the current week and “Last Week” is the range for the previous week. “Last year’s weighted average” is the weighted average for the corresponding week of the previous year as reported in the VFO market report. They are reported as both the rail (weight after the hide, head, feet, and gut are removed) and live (weight upon arrival at the processing plant) price delivered.
To convert the rail price to the live price, multiply by 54.56% (0.5456), the yield percentage calculated by dividing the hot carcass weight by the live weight. For example, $3.68 x 0.5456 = $2.007, which is then rounded to the nearest cent for the report.
To convert the live price to the rail price, divide by 0.5456. For example, $1.00/0.5456 = $1.83 on the rail.
Weighted Average
This is calculated by the number of finished veal reported at each price range to give an accurate average price for the week.
For example, 5@$2.50, 20@$2.25, 100@$2.15, and 150@$2.00 would give a range of $2.00 to $2.50, but the weighted average would be $2.08.
BFO Weekly Electronic Veal Sales & Comments
This is a summary of the Ontario auction markets that report electronically, compiled by Beef Farmers of Ontario (BFO). The three larger finished veal sales are reported for reference. Comments from each of the individual sales selling veal are reported.
Quebec Grain-fed Veal Market

The “Quebec Grain-fed Veal Market – Electronic Auction” chart is what is reported by the Fédération des producteurs de bovins du Québec by volume and rail price.
Bob Calves
Currently, VFO does not report on dairy breeds, dairy crossbreeds, or bull or heifer calves individually.
The “BFO Auction Report” chart lists the weekly volume, average price, and average weight for calves less than 125 lbs. This information is compiled by BFO from the auction sales that report electronically.
The “Ontario Bob Calves – Live Auction” is a range from a collection of reports of calf sales that do not report electronically to BFO. This report gives an overview of bob calf prices along with the comments from the sales barn.
The “Quebec Bob Calves – Live Auction” chart is collected from the Fédération des producteurs de bovins du Québec. These prices listed are per cwt (hundredweight).
Ontario Corn Price
This chart is the Chatham-Kent Average old crop corn price as reported by Grain Farmers of Ontario (GFO). “Last week’s price” refers to the Chatham-Kent price reported on the previous Friday by GFO.
Market Report App
The Weekly Market Information Report is updated Fridays to the VFO Market Report app.