Re-election of Kroesbergen as Chair, Yantzi, Vice Chair

Veal Farmers of Ontario (VFO) is pleased to announce the re-election of Middlesex County veal producer Philip Kroesbergen as Chair and Dylan Yantzi as Vice Chair, at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors.

Kroesbergen, who joined the VFO Board in 2017, farms full-time with his father and brother near Strathroy. Their family operation, Creekside Acres, has been raising veal cattle exclusively for over 30 years. Kroesbergen previously served as Vice Chair in 2020, returning to the Executive in the fall of 2022.

“Continued collaborations with our industry partners and colleagues will be a focus for the organization in the coming year as we work together on key issues impacting the Ontario agri-food sector,” says Kroesbergen.

Yantzi, who was appointed to the VFO Board in 2021, raises veal cattle near Tavistock with his family. He has served as Vice Chair since 2023.

Aaron Keunen (Palmerston), Kyle Roes (Millbank), and Cory Streicher (Newton) were acclaimed to the VFO Board at the 2025 Annual General Meeting held on March 5 in Elora, Ontario and will serve three-year terms.

Also returning to the eight member VFO Board of Directors are Judy Dirksen (Harriston), Kurtis Moesker (Stratford), and Tom Oudshoorn (Auburn).

“I would like to thank our Board of Directors for their leadership and service,” says Kroesbergen. “We remain committed to driving excellence in Ontario’s dairy calf and veal cattle industry, ensuring its growth and success for years to come.”

Read the full news release here.


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