VFO STATEMENT: Veal carcass weight limit increase
Veal Farmers of Ontario (VFO) is very pleased to share some great news with our members and industry stakeholders concerning an issue we have worked very diligently on—obtaining an increase to the veal carcass weight limit. As of January 15, 2020, the weight limit for a veal carcass has been increased from 180 kg to 190 kg. The VFO, through our collaboration with the Canadian Veal Association (CVA), worked very hard over a very long period of time to make this amendment a reality. Please review this news release from the CVA for more details. It is up to our industry now to use this tool wisely.
What you need to know and why this matters:
- This amendment now brings the maximum weight limit for a veal carcass from 180 kg to 190 kg, and came into effect January 15, 2020.
- The purpose of the amendment is to provide the Canadian veal industry with the flexibility and opportunity to manage veal carcass weights throughout the supply chain.
- The extra 10 kg provides a ‘sleeve’ to give both producers and processors some breathing room. If properly managed by everyone, the sleeve can reduce the number of overweight carcasses; reducing the losses for both the producer and the processor.
- It is very important that all veal producers target their maximum shipping weights for 180 kg so there remains some flexibility within the system to manage the veal carcass weights.
- Veal carcasses that go over the maximum weight limit of 190 kg are deemed ungraded beef carcasses.
- Processors need to send the appropriate market signals with purchasing ‘right-weighted’ veal cattle.
- The sleeve is an important tool to help producers and processors manage risk and ensure there is some tolerance in the supply chain if properly managed.
Find the full statement here.
Veal Farmers of Ontario announces leadership for 2025
Mar 06, 2025
Re-election of Kroesbergen as Chair, Yantzi, Vice Chair Veal Farmers of Ontario (VFO) is pleased to announce the re-election of Middlesex County veal producer Philip Kroesbergen as Chair and Dylan Yantzi as Vice Chair, at a recent meeting of the Board of Directors. Kroesbergen, who joined the VFO Board in 2017, farms full-time with his […]
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Annual VFO Board of Director’s Award winner announced
Mar 06, 2025
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VFO STATEMENT: VFO congratulates Premier Ford and the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario on their election victory
Feb 28, 2025
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Ontario Agriculture Sustainability Coalition Congratulates Premier Ford and Elected Members of Parliament
Feb 28, 2025
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